Poptropica English Islands. Level 1. Storycards
Обучающие карточки с историями.
Каждая карточка с историями содержит один кадр из «Island Adventure Story» с сопроводительными учебными заметками, включающими действия «Before Listening» (до прослушивания) и «After Listening» (после прослушивания). Карточки с историями представлены на плотных листах формата А4, что упрощает их использование и дома, и в классе.
Create a world of excitement and adventure. Welcome to Poptropica English Islands, a four level primary English series that engages young learners like never before. The unique combination of beautiful in-class materials and fun-filled online activities, songs and games, creates a world of excitement and adventure that children won’t want to leave. Engage young learners like never before. Poptropica English Island is a multiple-level course for children learning English as a foreign language in Primary schools. The level, content and pace make it suitable for use in Primary schools with typically 5 or more lessons of English per week. Poptropica English Island offers best practice methodology in the classroom whilst offering teachers and pupils an innovative digital environment.